8:30 am - 5:30 pm Mon - Fri
By Appointment Only
18919 Ventura Blvd., Suite B
Tarzana, California 91356

Akavan Orthodontics and Children's Dentistry has Your PediatricDental Needs in One Place!

Medi-Cal - Denti-Cal Accepted

A beautiful, confident smile can be life changing and we loveto see the transformation that takes place in each patient!

Your child will make a few stops to the dentists over their life,but the first is the most memorable and should be enjoyable.Dentist offices are not scary to your child by nature. The feararises from a frightening experience. Akavan Orthodontics andChildren's Dentistry do not subscribe to fearful dental visits.Your child's experience is our priority, and we want them to enterthe doors each time, beaming with excitement and relaxed.

We will help your child maintain optimal dental health. AcceptDentiCal. Most PPOs.

Per the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry

It is recommended that your child have their first dental visitby the time they are one year old. This visit is critical, andit helps jumpstart proper dental care for the early buddingteeth that shows up between 6 and 12 months.

What Happens When New Teeth Push through?

Your baby's first teeth will push through between 6 and 12 months, and the teething process will continue roughly through age three. Gum discomfort is typical and expected around this time, and we suggest using a teething ring or eleven to rub a clean finger across them to help soothe the pain. A wet cloth is also an option.

Along the way, your child will experience other teeth growing and shedding phases. Permanent usually comes in around five and will continue to break through until age 21. The permanent teeth count is 28, 32 if including wisdom teeth.

Practice Healthy Oral Hygiene Routines

During the teeth budding process, keep an eye on your child'sprogress. If there are any signs of discoloration or suspiciouslines, it could indicate tooth decay. Remember to protect theirteeth from sugary food and drink choices. They are the culpritof decay and failed dental health. Pediatric dentistryrecommends brushing habits at least twice daily for best oralhygiene. There is no such thing as too-soon brushing when teethhave arrived. Once your baby's teeth pop through, pediatric

dentistry recommends establishing proper brushing habits.Parents are encouraged to choose a soft bristle option and asmall (pea-sized) squeeze of toothpaste. Opt-out of fluoridetoothpaste for children under two unless your dentist or anotherhealthcare professional instructs otherwise. Considering theirage and eagerness, it is vital to go over proper brushingtechniques. It's also a great idea to discuss the other andoften neglected part of oral hygiene: flossing. The bestapproach is to start with professional advice from your child'sdentists regarding the best time to start. If your child's teethdecay, reach out to your dentist immediately.

Prevent Tooth Decay By maintaining regular Pediatric dentistry

Sugar is a primary source of tooth decay, and it stems fromleftover sugar in the mouth and turns into acid, which breaksdown your teeth. Children are the most significant risk factorsfor tooth decay, and irregular and sometimes improper oralhygiene habits make them a perfect candidate for thriving toothdecay.

However, proper oral hygiene (regular brushing and flossing) andregular dental checkups can help prevent tooth decay.

Pediatric dentists recommend two semi-annual checkups forcleaning along with fluoride treatments. Practicing a regulardental routine helps your child maintain strong, healthy teeth.Another recommendation includes teeth sealant, which 'seal' themore challenging to reach nooks and crannies, helping preventteeth decay. They last for several years and can be checked onduring your child's routine visits. We Proudly Accept DenticalHere in Our Office.

Getting Your Free

When you come in for your no charge consultation:

I’ll evaluate and explain your orthodontic and pediatric dentistry needs for you or your child, and from there we’ll figure out your best choice — braces, Invisalign®, different aligners, or a different option.

What matters to me is to provide you with the best possible care and have you end up with a beautiful and healthy smile.

Quick Contacts

Please feel free to contact our friendly staff

8:30 am - 5:30 pm Mon - Fri
By Appointment Only

18919 Ventura Blvd., Suite B
Tarzana, California 91356


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